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Monday 10 November 2014

OR Programmers

Hello Friends ,
                Here I  am Posting All Or Programs.

 Program  List   


Linear ProgrammingTransportationAssignment>Game TheorySimulationInteger ProgrammingQuadratic Programming

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Tuesday 2 September 2014

Knowlge based Sytem

Knowledge-Based Systems

Knowledge-Based Systems is the international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal on KBS.
Knowledge-Based Systems focuses on systems that use knowledge-based techniques to support human...
View full aims and scope

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Sunday 13 July 2014

Hello Friend Here I am  sharing E-books of mca sem5
 I am hope It Helpful for Your Exam preparatin.

Download All E-books of Gtu mca sem5

For Download Project Click On Following Link

2650001                                             Software Engineering
2650002                                                      Network Security
2650003                                             Mobile Computing(MC)
Ellective-2                                        Select Any One From 7 Subject
Ellective-3                                          Select Any One From 7 Subject
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CCC ONLINE EXAM Php project with source code for mca gtu



This project is developed using PHP as front-end tool and MYSQL (Php-MyAdmin) as back end tool. This project simplifies the procedure of written examination. This project is designed to overcome the disadvantages of written examinations. It is also beneficial for the organizations, which carry out Competitive examinations and do not want any delay in result. The main purpose of the system is to allow the students to give examinations on their own time. Without restriction of any subject, schedule or time limit. Although it is transparent and effective to assess the students’ skill. Hence, the system is useful for all level of primary and secondary school students. It helps teacher to make free to draw different question paper for each student. It also makes free to assess the answers of student, spot result and as per the skill selected of examination. It helps teacher to generate merit list subject wise as well as skill level wise. This project is online so it is very less time consuming and the errors are on minor basis. This project contains the pages like Home page, Login page, Registration page, Result page, Contact page etc. for the comfort of students, who appear in the examination. After completing the examination, the result will be displayed on clicking the Result button. 

For Documentation message at Facebook page and Like Our Facebook page click following Button 

 For Download Project Click On Following Link

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Comic Book Php project with Source code

Comic Book 

Ten years before, all the work was done manually. Larger number of written record was maintaining. The whole processs of maintaining of Records or database use to be quite cumbersome and tiring. Such as to store the bill that are made also vendor receipts are made by the man. It loses the time. But now the things have been changed dramatically, now everything is done by using computer. It may very easy to maintain the record in computer also accuracy are easily made and anyone can see the details of earlier records. Our project is on the same line, it has been special design to remove all those return records and replaced the total work by computer. The one man can handle all the work which is done in super market. The project almost completely removes scope for any human error. It also has improving the over all performance of the super market. We have tried our best to make it as user friendly as possible. So unauthorized user can not use this project. Any suggestion regarding the software will be gracefully received and will be improved 

For Download  Project source Code Click On Following Button
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Thursday 10 July 2014

Interviwew Quction OF C

Interviwew Quction OF  C from Varibale
1)    void  sol(void *p);
int i;
int main()
                        void *ptr;
ptr = &i;
    return 0
void sol(void *p)
                           int **q;
                        q = (int**)&p;
                         printf("%d\n", **q);
A)    0     B)  garbage   Value  C) Compiler  error  D) Run time  Error

Ans. A) 0
Because  The  Global Varible and Static variabel By Defult value  0 

Interviwew Quction OF  C from Loop

How many times the following loop be executed
ch = ‘b’;
while(ch >= ‘a’ && ch <= ‘z’)
ch++; }

 Ans: 25
 Because  The   asci value difference  a and  z is 25

 Interviwew Quction OF  C from  IF – switch For

What are the various types of control structures in programming?

- Mainly there are 3 types of control structures in programming: Sequence, Selection and Repetition.
- Sequential control follows a top- down flow in executing a program. This means that step 1 is first executed, followed by step 2 and so on.
- Selection means dealing with conditional statements. This means that the code is executed depending on the evaluation of conditions a TRUE or FALSE. It means that not all codes may be executed and there are alternative flows within.
- Repetitions are also called as loop structures. They will repeat one or two program statements as set by a counter.

Interviwew Quction OF  C from  Union
    union d
            unsigned int a:1;
            unsigned int b:2;

             unsigned int d:1;
      union d aa;
      printf("d.aa.a=%d d.aa.b=%d",aa.a,aa.b);
      return 0;
A)   1  b)5  c)error d)Garbage value

Ans  A)1
Bit-field value of b is  2 so it is consider 2 bit value only..
5 binary =101 so take 2bit  01. so 01 convert into integer 1.

Interviwew Quction OF  C from  Array
In C, if you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed?

A)Value of elements in array
B)First element of the array
C)Base address of the array
D)Address of the last element of array

           Ans..C)Base address of the array

int fn(void);
void print(int, int (*)());
int i=10;
void main(void)
    int i=20;
void print(int i,int (*fn1)())
int fn(void)

A)5     B)10   C) Address  D) error
Ans)  A.5
Beause the fuction return value 5.

Interviwew Quction OF  C from Operator
int main()
    int i=4;
    int j=i^6;

a)5   b)2 c) error d)8

Beause the operator  ^(xor ) make  xor between 4 nad 6.
100 ^110=010 so integer value2

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Operation Reaserach Matetial of LP model Mca 4 Sem

Operation Reaserach Matetial  of   LP model

Hello, friend Sharing Some  Lp Model  Questions.

1) Lp model (Big-m ,two phase,simplex )Question 
2)  operation-research  assignment 

For Downloading Operation Reaserach Matetial  Click on Following Button

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