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Sunday, 13 July 2014

CCC ONLINE EXAM Php project with source code for mca gtu


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This project is developed using PHP as front-end tool and MYSQL (Php-MyAdmin) as back end tool. This project simplifies the procedure of written examination. This project is designed to overcome the disadvantages of written examinations. It is also beneficial for the organizations, which carry out Competitive examinations and do not want any delay in result. The main purpose of the system is to allow the students to give examinations on their own time. Without restriction of any subject, schedule or time limit. Although it is transparent and effective to assess the students’ skill. Hence, the system is useful for all level of primary and secondary school students. It helps teacher to make free to draw different question paper for each student. It also makes free to assess the answers of student, spot result and as per the skill selected of examination. It helps teacher to generate merit list subject wise as well as skill level wise. This project is online so it is very less time consuming and the errors are on minor basis. This project contains the pages like Home page, Login page, Registration page, Result page, Contact page etc. for the comfort of students, who appear in the examination. After completing the examination, the result will be displayed on clicking the Result button. 

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